Richard Long / Arno Avon

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LONG Richard (Bristol 1945)

Firenze, Base Progetti per l’Arte, 2017, 94x64 cm, illustrated poster with a black and white line drawing, published on the occasion of the exhibition (Florence, Base Progetti per l’Arte, 7 December 2017 - 10 February 2018). First artist’s exhibition in Florence.

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LONG Richard (Bristol 1945)

Firenze, Base Progetti per l’Arte, 2017, 94x64 cm, illustrated poster with a black and white line drawing, published on the occasion of the exhibition (Florence, Base Progetti per l’Arte, 7 December 2017 - 10 February 2018). First artist’s exhibition in Florence.

LONG Richard (Bristol 1945)

Firenze, Base Progetti per l’Arte, 2017, 94x64 cm, illustrated poster with a black and white line drawing, published on the occasion of the exhibition (Florence, Base Progetti per l’Arte, 7 December 2017 - 10 February 2018). First artist’s exhibition in Florence.

“(...) Questa mostra e’ un omaggio all’Arno, il fiume di Firenze, che riporta nella mente dell’artista all’ Avon, il fiume che passa per la sua citta’ natale, Bristol, e con il cui fango l’artista ha lavorato moltissimo. L’uso di materiali locali e’ infatti una costante della pratica artistica di Long che lo avvicina ancor piu’ ai luoghi nei quali crea ed espone il suo lavoro...” (

Richard Long / Going on. Leaving the stones
Richard Long / Richard Long
Richard Long / Silberen Stones
Richard Long / White light walk
Richard Long / Stones in Clare