Olivier Mosset / Color me

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MOSSET Olivier (Berna 1944), Paris, Semiose Éditions, [printing: Kopa, Lithuania], 2019, 21x15 cm., softcover [stapled], pp. [24], coloring book with 12 illustrations by Olivier Mosset

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MOSSET Olivier (Berna 1944), Paris, Semiose Éditions, [printing: Kopa, Lithuania], 2019, 21x15 cm., softcover [stapled], pp. [24], coloring book with 12 illustrations by Olivier Mosset

MOSSET Olivier (Berna 1944), Paris, Semiose Éditions, [printing: Kopa, Lithuania], 2019, 21x15 cm., softcover [stapled], pp. [24], coloring book with 12 illustrations by Olivier Mosset

"TUM' MUTT TUTU... Pardon, vous pourriez répéter? TUM' MUTT TUTU... Ma parole, c'est une orchidée fixe! Que voulez-vous dire: langage codé de la peinture? Peinture codée de langage? Code peint à la langue? Mmuh mmuh... Essayons d'être sérieux. Un indice: Marcel... Duchamp! Et du signe, bien sûr." "TUM' MUTT TUTU... Um, could you repeat that please? TUM' MUTT TUTU... My word, a stuttering tomato! What are you going on about: a coded language of painting? A painted coded language? A sandwich of paint and code? Let's try and keep this serious. A clue: Marcel... Duchamp! Signed, sealed and delivered, n'est-ce pas?" from the back cover

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