Andreas Seltzer - Dieter Hacker / Bürger werden am Kopf mit Sendern angepeilt, belauscht, angeredet, verfolgt, gefoltert: Beispiel eines Widerstandes

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SELTZER Andreas (Gdańsk (Poland) 1943) - HACKER Dieter (Augsburg 1942)

Berlin, 7. Produzentengalerie, [1975], 10,5x14,5 cm, paperback, pp. [64], artist’s book with illustrated cover and 46 full-page photographic images printed in black and white. Texts by Andreas Seltzer and Dieter Hacker. libro d’artista con copertina illustrata e 46 immagini fo- tografiche a piena pagina stampate in bianco e nero. Testi di Andreas Seltzer e Dieter Hacker.

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SELTZER Andreas (Gdańsk (Poland) 1943) - HACKER Dieter (Augsburg 1942)

Berlin, 7. Produzentengalerie, [1975], 10,5x14,5 cm, paperback, pp. [64], artist’s book with illustrated cover and 46 full-page photographic images printed in black and white. Texts by Andreas Seltzer and Dieter Hacker. libro d’artista con copertina illustrata e 46 immagini fo- tografiche a piena pagina stampate in bianco e nero. Testi di Andreas Seltzer e Dieter Hacker.

SELTZER Andreas (Gdańsk (Poland) 1943) - HACKER Dieter (Augsburg 1942)

Berlin, 7. Produzentengalerie, [1975], 10,5x14,5 cm, paperback, pp. [64], artist’s book with illustrated cover and 46 full-page photographic images printed in black and white. Texts by Andreas Seltzer and Dieter Hacker. libro d’artista con copertina illustrata e 46 immagini fo- tografiche a piena pagina stampate in bianco e nero. Testi di Andreas Seltzer e Dieter Hacker.

During the winter of 1972, cryptic mes- sages painted on walls or written inside telephone booths appeared in Berlin in the Tempelhof and Schöneberg distri- cts. These messages warned citizens that the C.I.A. by means of radio tran- smitters installed in a third of the hou- ses in the city, he could listen to and monitor their private life. The anonyme messenger, known as “The Sender- mann” or “transmitter” invaded Berlin with his writings remaining anonymous for three years then began touring the city with placards and a megaphone. This book collects a series of these writings photographed by Andreas Sel- tzer and the artist/gallery owner Dieter Hacker between 1972 and 1975.

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