Alighiero Boetti / Boetti [Le pendu]
BOETTI Alighiero (Torino 1940 - Roma 1994)
Milano, Galleria dell’Ariete [Catalogo n. 202], 1977, 21,4x15,8 cm., pp. [4], cover with the gallery logo and the title printed in black on a brick red background. Catalog/artist’s book published on the occasion of the exhibition, illustrated with the color reproduction of the “hanged” (“Le Pendu”) present in the tarot cards of Grimaud and a short text of the artist printed in facsimile of the original manuscript . (Milan, Galleria l’Ariete, 31 March, 1977 - Opening).
[Bibliography: Lailach 2005: pag. 98; Maffei 2007: pp. 55 e 64; Maffei-Picciau 2011: pp. 126-127].
BOETTI Alighiero (Torino 1940 - Roma 1994)
Milano, Galleria dell’Ariete [Catalogo n. 202], 1977, 21,4x15,8 cm., pp. [4], cover with the gallery logo and the title printed in black on a brick red background. Catalog/artist’s book published on the occasion of the exhibition, illustrated with the color reproduction of the “hanged” (“Le Pendu”) present in the tarot cards of Grimaud and a short text of the artist printed in facsimile of the original manuscript . (Milan, Galleria l’Ariete, 31 March, 1977 - Opening).
[Bibliography: Lailach 2005: pag. 98; Maffei 2007: pp. 55 e 64; Maffei-Picciau 2011: pp. 126-127].
BOETTI Alighiero (Torino 1940 - Roma 1994)
Milano, Galleria dell’Ariete [Catalogo n. 202], 1977, 21,4x15,8 cm., pp. [4], cover with the gallery logo and the title printed in black on a brick red background. Catalog/artist’s book published on the occasion of the exhibition, illustrated with the color reproduction of the “hanged” (“Le Pendu”) present in the tarot cards of Grimaud and a short text of the artist printed in facsimile of the original manuscript . (Milan, Galleria l’Ariete, 31 March, 1977 - Opening).
[Bibliography: Lailach 2005: pag. 98; Maffei 2007: pp. 55 e 64; Maffei-Picciau 2011: pp. 126-127].
“Accostabile ad un libro d’artista per l’adozione della abituale copertina rossa, il piccolo libro fu realizzato in occasione della mostra milanese presso la Galleria dell’Ariete. Si Tratta quindi di un ca- talogo che non illustra un’esposizione, ma vuole piuttosto evocarne le suggestioni. Infatti oltre alla figura dell’Impiccato, che certo riecheggia lo Shaman-Showman del decennio precedente, un testo boettiano scritto con grafia mancina introduce alle tematiche proposte”. (Giorgio Maffei)